Custom Combine Tribute

The Vision

The History of the Harvest Brigade
The Route
The Vision
Harvest - The Song
Next Steps
Contact Us
Getting Involved
Our Sponsors
More of Our Sponsors
Even More of Our Sponsors
Photo Gallery I - The Beginning
Photo Gallery II - The Restoration
Photo Gallery III - Combine in Action
Photo Gallery IV - More of the Combine in Action
Letters from the Road
Article: Harvesting a Field of Dreams
Article: Topeka Capitol Journal Article
USCHI Magazine Article 1
USCHI Magazine Article II
USCHI Magazine Article III
USCHI Magazine Artcile IV

"We Were There, Then and Now"

This is me in the cab of one of our work trucks during a harvest run in c.1951.

This is how it all began....

My name is Lenwood G. Holo. I was born in 1938 on a farm in Loma, North Dakota. I was raised on the family farm until 1952 when my father sold the farm. Following the sale of our farm, I continued to work for local farmers in and around the Loma area. Throughout these years, the fall harvest grew to be my passion.

In 1955, I started working for a farm implement dealer. Again, my love was for the harvest time and working around the combines.

In the late 1950's I bought a Massey Harris combine and custom combined until Uncle Sam called me to serve my country. I sold my combine and truck and left to serve in the U.S. Air Force for four years. It was during this time, I met my wife, Pat, and we began raising a family. Following my discharge from the Air Force, I returned to my job at a farm implement dealer in Kindred, North Dakota.

In the late 60's, we decided to move to the big city of Minneapolis, Minnesota because of the opportunity for better wages and benefits. At this time, my career took me from farm implements to the heavy duty trucking industry.

As a natural born mechanic, I was well suited for the heavy duty trucking industry. I have worked the service maintenance side either as a technician or a manager for both truck leasing companies and new truck dealers. Although I remained working in the trucking industry, my love for farming and the harvest has endured.

Last fall, I started working toward my life's dream - to complete a tribute to the custom harvesters in the year 2004. My plan includes restoring one Massey Harris 21A combine, one 2-ton truck, one pickup truck, and a travel trailer - all from circa 1940's. I had chosen 2004 to coincide with 1944, the year of the first harvest brigade. Being born in North Dakota, I plan to start the tribute in Langdon, North Dakota. The journey would begin by traveling the eastern edge of North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and arriving in Texas in late March into early April of 2004 in time for the winter wheat harvest. The tribute would then continue along a north central route of the wheat belt and return to Langdon, North Dakota. We would combine wheat at pre-determined locations along the entire route.

And so...the journey has begun.