The story of original Custom Harvest Brigade
goes a little like this...
During World War II (1939 to 1945), many farmers and harvesters
were called into service. The United States was in need of the harvest to be completed through the duration of the
war. Steel and other natural resources were in very short supply. Because of the limited supply, the allocation of resources
to be used for machines in development was nearly unheard of. During this time a proven harvesting machine - the Massey-Harrison
#21 combine - was ready for mass introduction. Massey-Harrison believed that the US Government's War Production Board would
approve the allocation of the necessary natural resources (including steel) to the company for the manufacture of the
#21. Massey-Harrison believed if it could convince the War Production Board that the #21 would produce more bushels and
use the same amount of raw materials to produce, which would result in the Board approving the allocation of the necessary
materials. The self-propelled #21 combine was said to be able to save half a million bushels alone through its optimized
harvesting technology. The implementation and utilization of the #21 combine would also make it possible to move 625 to 1,375
tractors on to do other necessary harvest and farm work. In accomplishing this, it was said to save a half of a million gallons
of fuel.
Joe Tucker, Sales Manager of Massey-Harris Company USA, developed the " Massey-Harris Harvest Brigade".
The Harvest Brigade plan, which was accepted and approved by the War Production Board, resulted in the manufacture
of 500 of the #21 self-propelled combines. The combines were then sold to custom combine operators who
would guarantee to harvest a minimum of 2000 acres with each machine. This would not only save on natural resources
and reduce the loss of harvested goods through optimized harvesting techniques, it would also assist with the limited workforce
that was available as well. Since it took less machinery to complete the harvest, less manpower was required
as well.
The result -- a successful and bountiful harvest for North
American farmers.